Feel Good Club : A Guide to Feeling Good and Being Okay with it When You'Re Not
Lawlor-Skillen, Kiera & Aimie More by this author...£9.99Out of stock
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- Mental Health & Wellbeing
From the creators of the inspirational Instagram account @wearefeelgoodclub, comes a guide to helping you navigate your way through life's positive and challenging situations. Successful entrepreneurs Aimie and Kiera bring their trademark of inspiring quotes, as well as the wisdom that enabled them to overcome tough moments. Continuing their mission of wanting to make people feel good through positivity, love and normalising the way that we share how we feel. They want you to make yourself feel good, as well as helping you balance your feelings when you're not at your best. Helping you navigate your way through: Your happiness above everything. When everything goes wrong. Letting go of bad sh*t. Being proud of yourself. Not comparing yourself with others. Recognising what's important. It's time to join the Feel Good Club (but also feeling okay and supported when you're not feeling so good).