What Fresh Hell Is This? : Perimenopause, Menopause, Other Indignities and You
Corinna, Heather More by this author...£14.99Out of stock
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- Psychology, Mental Health & Wellbeing
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- Health Politics & Disability Justice
- Mental Health & Wellbeing
If you don't know award-winning sex educator and all-around badass Heather Corinna, let them introduce themselves and their new book:'I'm going to do what I've done for millions of people of all ages with sex and relationships: to simplify and share solid, explicit information, to provide support and be sensitive, and to help make everyone feel less alone and get us all through the hard, thorny, touchy stuff so we can make it to the other side.
I'm going to do this in a similar way I've done it for sex and relationships in my work over the last couple decades for both young people and adults alike: by talking out loud, shamelessly and frankly, about what others are afraid or ashamed to, much in the way your favorite loudmouth aunt might have if she made this kind of stuff her life's work and if your family also didn't always apparently forget to invite her to everything.
'Corinna has been on the cutting edge of health for more than twenty years, always talking about what people are most afraid, ashamed, or embarrassed of. What Fresh Hell Is This? is no different. It's a companion for all women who want to answer the question 'What to expect when you're not expected to expect anything?'. It's a health-forward, no b.s. (and damn funny) perimenopause/menopause guide for the generation that time forgot (fka GenXers), offering straightforward descriptions of women's bodies and what's going on inside them.
Heather Corinna tells you what to expect and what to do, all while busting some myths and offering real self-care tips (for home, spouse, job, child, pet, etc.) so you don't lose your mind. With practical, clear information directly addressing populations who have been left out of the discussion, but are very much a part of it (those who are differently abled, transgender, working poor, marginalised , and more), What Fresh Hell Is This? an accessible and inclusive guide for anyone who is experiencing the hot fire of perimenopause and menopause.