Wasafiri 103 none sing writing whiteness
N/A More by this author...£12.00Editorial The Unbearable Lightness of Whiteness
Interviews Cathy Park Hong; Alex Wheatle
Articles ‘Whitely’: Race and Lyric Subjectivity in Clare Pollard’s Poetry; Re-Reading Penelope Lively’s Oleander Jacaranda; Other White
Art Thinking Through Race in Bruce Nauman's Body Painting
Fiction Laure Baudot, Alicia Mietus, Lijia Zhang
Poetry Jennie Owen, Bibhu Padhi, Desirée Seebaran, Jeremy Wikeley
Life-writing Claire Hynes, Ruby D. Jones
Review Essay Political and Planetary Panic: Penning Motherhood in Trump’s America
Reviews Claire Adam, Golden Child; Charlie Brinkhurst-Cuff, ed., Mother Country: Real Stories of the Windrush Children; Hebe Uhart, The Scent of Buenos Aires; Fikr Taunsvi, The Sixth River: A Journal from the Partition of India
and more...