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Cover for: Bury the Corpse of Colonialism : The Revolutionary Feminist Conference of 1949

Bury the Corpse of Colonialism : The Revolutionary Feminist Conference of 1949

Armstrong, Elisabeth B. More by this author...£21.00out 11 Apr 2023

"In 1949, revolutionary women from Asia who fought colonial occupation and patriarchal oppression gathered in Beijing for the Asian Women's Conference. Together, they drew from their experiences to develop a political strategy for women's internationalism that sought to end imperialism and build socialism. Connected with the Women's International Democratic Federation, women from Latin America, the Caribbean, and North, West, and Southern Africa also joined the conversation before the rise of Afro-Asian solidarity movements gained the name. Their strategy for internationalism demanded that women from occupying colonial nations contest imperialism with the same dedication as women whose countries were occupied"--

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