Sex: Lessons From History
Riddell, Fern More by this author...£10.99- History
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Out now: the new book by Dr Fern Riddell, a powerful and entertaining history of sex. Revised and updated.
These are the facts: throughout history human beings have had sex.
Sexual culture did not begin in the sixties. It has always been celebrated, needed, wanted and desired part of what it means to be human. So: what can learn by looking at the sexual lives of our ancestors? What does it tell us about our attitudes and worries today, and how can the past teach us a better way of looking forward?In this wide-ranging and powerful new history of sex, Dr Fern Riddell will uncover the sexual lives of our ancestors and show that, just like us, they were as preoccupied with sexual identities, masturbation, foreplay, sex, deviance; facing it with the same confusion, joy and accidental hilarity that we do today.
Sex: Lessons from History is a revealing and fascinating look at how we've always been obsessed with how sex makes us who we are