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Cover for: Sorry I Haven't Texted You Back

Sorry I Haven't Texted You Back

Cook, Alicia More by this author...£9.99

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Sorry I haven't texted you back, I've been so anxious and depressed I haven't had time to catch my breath! Returning to the form of Stuff I've Been Feeling Lately, Sorry I Haven't Texted You Back is a beacon of light for all who struggle or have struggled with their mental health. Structured similar to her first book, "Side A" is the poetry and "Side B" (the second half of the book) is "remixes," blackout versions of the poetry. The focus on mental health doesn't sacrifice universal appeal; the book includes the evergreen issues of love, loss, and heartbreak. Based on her viral Instagram poem, Sorry I Haven't Texted You Back, this collection lands in the crossroads of self-help and poetry.

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