Black Power Afterlives : The Enduring Significance of the Black Panther Party
Fujino, Diane, Harmachis, Matef More by this author...£19.99Out of stock
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- Social Justice
- Anti-Racism, Decolonisation & Post-Colonial Thought
- Writers of colour
The first book to comprehensively examine how the Black Panther Party has directly shaped the practices and ideas that have animated grassroots activism in the decades since its decline, Black Power Afterlives represents a major scholarly achievement as well as an important resource for today's activists. Through its focus on the enduring impact of the Black Panther Party, this volume expands the historiography of Black Power studies beyond the 1960s-70s and serves as a bridge between studies of the BPP during its organizational existence and studies of present-day Black activism, allowing today's readers and organizers to situate themselves in a long lineage of liberation movements.