After Repeal : Rethinking Abortion Politics
Browne, Kath, Calkin, Sydney More by this author...£18.99- Social Justice
- Feminism
The referendum tooverturn Ireland's near-total abortion ban in 2018 stands as one of the mostremarkable political events of recent times. The campaign to repeal the 8thamendment succeeded not only in challenging centuries of religious andpatriarchal dogma, but in signalling a major transformation in Irish societyitself. After Repeal explores boththe campaign and the implications of the referendum result for politics,identity and culture today. Bringing together a range of internationalperspectives, this collection transcends geographical and disciplinaryboundaries while exploring themes including activism, artwork, socialmovements, law, media, democratic institutions, and reproductive technologies. This work looks beyond the Irish context and to the future, offeringunique insight into the wider struggle for reproductive justice around theworld.