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Cover for: Secondary


Rosenberg, Tracey S. More by this author...£10.99

Starting with the hopelessness of unrequited love, a theme which twines through medieval France, the aftermath of the Russian Revolution, and the cruelty of a Time Lord choosing yet another companion, the poems move to the agonies of cancer told from a myriad of perspectives. Even in despair, though, miracles are found— in gardens and the stars, in the loyalty of dogs and the trust of a man in a Black Watch kilt.

Secondary is the debut full-length collection of an insightful and compassionate poet.

‘Poems that really pack a punch.’—Claire Askew

‘We need more such unflinching compassionate gazes.’ —Jo Clifford

‘Rosenberg’s crystalline poems confront and entertain readers with the unexpected.’ —Sarah Ream

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