Keeping Away the Spiders : Essays
Pia, Anne More by this author...£9.99- Biography & Life Writing
- Essays & Literary Criticism
- Essays
- Of Scotland
This is a book about identity, self-determination and self-making; about energy; about that vibrant surge that forces us forward in life, to seek the new and the possible, come whatever. In a series of honest, often humorous and brutally frank essays, Anne Pia discusses sexuality, gender identity, reluctant feminism, and food as a sumptuous, sensual game-changer. She conveys her exhilarationat the transformative power of music and learning, clothes and fashion. She gives an unflinching account of coming to terms with a daughter's disability. This life-changing book shows how positive energy can be drawn from life's most challenging experiences. Anne asks the central question: 'Who am I and who do I want to be?' and invites the reader to do the same.
Published 01/11/2020 in the United Kingdom Paperback | 224 pages