- Time:
- Monday, 14 April 2025 : 19:00 - 20:00

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Bright Futures: Return of the Sci Fi Book Club!
Please note this event will be in person at the shop.
Mara will be your host.
Please support the bookshop & the book club by ordering your books through Lighthouse, Use the code FACE-HUGGERS for bookclubbers 10% off.
Our April meeting of Bright Futures will be discussing Dawn by Octavia Butler
The Book:
When Lilith lyapo wakes in a small white room with no doors or windows, she remembers a devastating war, and a husband and child long lost to her. She finds herself living among the Oankali, a strange race who intervened in the fate of humanity hundreds of years before.
They spared those they could from the ruined Earth, and suspended them in a long, deep sleep. Over centuries, the Oankali learned from the past, cured disease and healed the world. Now they want Lilith to lead her people back home.
But salvation comes at a price - to restore humanity, it must be changed forever...