Edinburgh's Radical Bookshop

Late night SALE NIGHT: Exclusive eve of bargains & discounts!

image for event: Late night SALE NIGHT: Exclusive eve of bargains & discounts!

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browsing, beverages and bargains!

This event is officially sold out - if you were hoping to join and couldn't get a ticket, feel free to pop along after 7pm and try your luck, if there is room for more folks to join we can sell you a ticket on the door :)

We've got special plans in the works for the bookshop basement and we need to make some space, so rejoice dear readers: We're having a MEGA sale!

For ONE NIGHT ONLY we'll close early and open late, bringing up hundreds of books from the bookshop dungeon - signed stock, out of print hardbacks, quirky indie press titles etc - selling these all for £5 or less. So come make a night of it - have a free glass of wine while you browse, bring a pal or a date to explore, and make away like a bandit with bags of books!

These are books we loved stocking, but they have had their time on the shelf and we are loathe to send them back to publishers to be pulped, because yes! That's what happens to them!

How much do you know about the (retail) life of a book? What happens if no one buys it?

Behind the scenes of most bookshops there will be someone sending books back to the publisher, or ‘doing returns’. This is usually when a book has reached its ‘shelf life’ of about 12-15 months following delivery and after that it becomes known as 'dead stock'.

The term ‘dead stock’ makes it sound decrepit and dusty but they all still look brand new and they are still books we selected because we believed in them in the first place. Some of these we give away to school fairs, local charities, prison libraries, Streetreads, and charity bookshops like Leith's Community Bookshop.

This year we're trying something new to help raise some pennies for our exciting basement plans so, a sale!

Your £5 voucher ticket entitles you to any sale book of your choice, so no matter what, you leave with a book & you'll have supported the bookshop & you'll have saved a book from being pulped: win win win!

Please note - the sale only applies to stickered items. New and current stock is not on sale.

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