Edinburgh's Radical Bookshop

Magma: The Islands Launch

Featured Speakers

Clementine E Burnley, Colin Bramwell, Gillian Dawson, Roshni Gallagher, Charles Lang, Christine de Luca, Christie Williamson.

Join us in the bookshop or online to celebrate the Edinburgh launch of Magma’s Islands issue. Readings from poets in the magazine, followed by refreshments. Hosted by editors Niall Campbell & Fiona Moore!

Headline reader: Clementine E Burnley.

Also featuring: Colin Bramwell, Gillian Dawson, Roshni Gallagher, Charles Lang, Christine de Luca, Christie Williamson.

Our Poets:

Colin Bramwell is a writer from the Black Isle. His work has appeared in PN Review, Poetry Review and The Rialto.

Born in Cameroon, Clementine E Burnley lives and works between the UK and Germany. She's a practice-based student at the Research Society for Process Oriented Psychotherapy studying conflict mediation. Her pamphlet Radical Pairings (Ignition Press) was highly commended in the Poetry Business 2023 competition.

Gillian Dawson works in a library. She is a member of @mungomirrorball, Glasgow's poetry network, and winner of Gutter and Edwin Morgan Trust's 'All Things Are Possible' Poetry Competition 2021.

Roshni Gallagher is a poet from Leeds living in Edinburgh. Her debut pamphlet Bird Cherry is published by Verve Poetry Press. In 2022 she won an Edwin Morgan Poetry Award and a Scottish Book Trust New Writers Award.

Charles Lang is from Glasgow. He studied at the University of Edinburgh and Queen’s University Belfast. Poems in Poetry Ireland Review, The Poetry Review, The Stinging Fly, and elsewhere. He works at the Scottish Poetry Library.

Christine De Luca writes poetry and fiction in English and Shaetlan (Shetlandic), her mother tongue. Her recent poetry collection is Veeve (Mariscat, Edinburgh, 2021). She has collaborated with musicians and artists.

Christie Williamson haes bön cried mony things, but he prefers tae annsir tae poyit. Twa books exist, Oo an Feddirs an Doors tae Naewye, baith Luath Press. He comes fae Yell.

[Image credit] ‘Noss’ by Eòghann MacColl

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