Women in Translation: Elena Knows

The Women In Translation reading group provides a free, friendly and gentle environment in which opinions are shared and new appreciations can be discovered. A place for curious minds and relaxed conversation hosted by poet and translator Annie Rutherford.
Our January meeting of Women In Translation will be discussing Claudia Piñeiro's "ELENA KNOWS", translated by Frances Riddle, which was shortlisted for the 2022 International Booker Prize.
After Rita is found dead in a church she used to attend, the official investigation into the incident is quickly closed. Her sickly mother is the only person still determined to find the culprit. Chronicling a difficult journey across the suburbs of the city, an old debt and a revealing conversation, Elena Knows unravels the secrets of its characters and the hidden facets of authoritarianism and hypocrisy in our society...
Please note the january bookclub meets *online*.