Edinburgh's Radical Bookshop
Book Club

Women In Translation: The Land of Green Plums

image for event: Women In Translation: The Land of Green Plums

The Women In Translation reading group provides a free, friendly and gentle environment in which opinions are shared and new appreciations can be discovered. A place for curious minds and relaxed conversation hosted by poet and translator Annie Rutherford.

*We are currently meeting online only*

Our March meeting of Women In Translation will be discussing Herta Muller's The Land of Green Plums, translated from German by Michael Hofmann.

Set in Romania at the height of Ceausescu's reign of terror, The Land of Green Plums tells the story of a group of young students, each of whom has left the impoverished provinces in search of better prospects in the city. It is a profound illustration of a totalitarian state which comes to inhabit every aspect of life; to the extent that everyone, event the strongest, must either bend to the oppressors or resist them and perish.

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