Edinburgh's Radical Bookshop

Beyond The Body Keeps the Score: a Reading List from project LETS


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It's an honour to be able to share a reading list compiled by the folks at Project LETS, offering more deeply considered, socially conscious alternatives to a book that is often held up as a key text dealing with trauma and its aftermath.

"What’s wrong with TBKTS? Held up as one of the most foundational and cornerstone books about trauma, TBKTS by Bessel Van Der Kolk has largely escaped any mainstream criticism. But some major criticisms from community members include: - Status quo politics; Western and Eurocentric perspectives on trauma - Lack of analysis around politics, oppression, identity, and trauma..."

You can read the full post from Project LETS about The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, and the criticism against it, HERE.

Below you'll find the books recommended in the post, excluding those not currently available from UK publishers.

A huge thank you to Project LETS for letting us share the list here!

Project LETS builds non-carceral community mental health collectives + provides political education & advocacy. By/for mad, mentally ill, Disabled, neurodivergent folks.

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