Celebrating Neurodivergent Authors
April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day but, as Autism Together remind us, the whole month is also Autism Acceptance Month.
In this article, for Autistic Self Advocacy Network, Kassiane S. explores the difference between awareness and acceptance, with points we can all take to heart and carry into our lives as we navigate difference.
As for books, Mairi just finished Untypical by Pete Wharmby and adored it. 'It should be read by everyone (but especially teachers/parents/employers), it’s so engaging and insightful and packed with really straightforward stuff about how neurotypicals can make (mostly pretty easy) adjustments that would make a world of difference to accessibility & joy for our autistic pals/family/colleagues.'
Check it out, alongside a few other recent gems written by neurodivergent and autistic authors!
Linked Books

- title
- Ten Steps to Nanette : A Memoir Situation
- author
- Gadsby, Hannah

- title
- Taking Off the Mask : Practical Exercises to Help Understand and Minimise the Effects of Autistic Camouflaging
- author
- Hannah Louise Belcher

- title
- I Will Die On This Hill : Autistic Adults, Autism Parents, and the Children Who Deserve a Better World
- author
- Meghan Ashburn, Jules Edwards

- title
- Obsessive, Intrusive, Magical Thinking
- author
- Eloise, Marianne

- title
- Unmasking Autism : The Power of Embracing Our Hidden Neurodiversity
- author
- Price, Devon