Edinburgh's Radical Bookshop

genre-exploding crime stories


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The book that most recently made Mairi jump for joy is a tricky one to categorise - which is, partly, where its charm lies. Killing Jericho by William Hussey is so much more than a crime novel. It's a piece of gothic fiction, humour-peppered thriller, a celebration of queer lives, Traveller communities and culture.

We're over the moon to be launching this monumentally innovative novel on May 9th in the shop. Join us as we welcome detective Scott Jericho to the world - info and tickets are HERE.

Hearing Mairi wax lyrical about this book made us go back in our crime-reading history in search of those gems that weren't quite one thing or the other, thus expanding what the genre can do, and the immense possibility of the stories it can tell, from murder mysteries in space to re-tellings of Romeo and Juliet, all whilst flexing those crime-solving, thriller muscles.

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