Edinburgh's Radical Bookshop

Health and Care for all: a reading list


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As the NHS turns 75, thousands are being failed by a system that was created to provide free health care for all - a notion ostensibly based on justice. Today, thousands suffer from treatable conditions as health care workers are driven to the ground and work forces are decimated. Behind this assault on all our safety is, of course, a government that values profit more than life and wellbeing. Accessible health care was, furthermore, never for everyone - mirroring societal oppression.

What's happening to free healthcare in the UK is linked to health injustice worldwide in a capitalist society, and can't be thought of as separate. Below are a books that tackle health injustice head-on in a variety of contexts, along with a wee list of resources and organisations - folks who fiercely work for health equality.

Healing Justice London - Working for and with communities surviving state and systemic oppression, nurturing the work of radical and holistic medicine.

Global Justice Now - driving campaigns for global justice, including one against big pharmaceutical companies. You can sign a petition HERE to stop big pharma from profiteering off the NHS.

LGBT Health and Wellbeing - Promoting the health, wellbeing and equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT+) adults (16+) in Scotland.

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