How Subscriptions Work
Subscriptions take two forms:
1) you choose a type of subscription
- A predetermined number of books, paid up front (ideal as a gift, you set the length & we send with a gift message in email & first bundle!)
- A rolling subscription, paid on the same date as your initial payment each month.
2) you give us the email address to send the subscription & activation details to
3) if a gift, the recipient will 'activate' the account using the link emailed, and input a delivery address. At this point the subscription is 'live'.
4) on the 20th of each month we start prepping parcels for all who have subscribed
5) on the last wednesday of the month we will post your bundle & email you your virtual offering (using the details in the subscriber page)
6) you/the recipient is *thrilled* by their delivery a few days later! You read the book & explore the online delights (take part in a bookclub, watch a Q&A with the author or tune in for an event, that sort of thing).
More answers to FAQs about subscriptions HERE.
SMOL - An Indie Press Subscription
SMOL - Small Mighty Original Loud - is a special indie press bundle!
From well established indies to tiny, one-person micropresses, the SMOL subscription is all about introducing curious readers to the best fiction from small publishers.
You'll fall in love with tremendous writers, and discover the presses who are seeking out, nurturing and championing beguiling voices from around the world. SMOL is rooted in our values as a feminist, LGBTQ+, antiracist, socially conscious community bookshop - so each box will celebrate often marginalised voices and writing with heart.
Each bundle will feature:
- A novel and publisher carefully picked and introduced by one of the Lighthouse family
- A lil something from our featured press
- A further-reading list
- A special digital offering - such as an author introduction, author Q&A, video reading etc.
- A bespoke bookmark
All the above joyfully delivered in an eco-friendly parcel with as little packaging as possible!
Your very first bundle will also come with a Lighthouse canvas bag so it'll look something like this: