A New Way to Bake : Re-imagined Recipes for Plant-based Cakes, Bakes and Desserts
Khoury, Philip More by this author...£30.00Out of stock
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A New Way to Bake reinvents and reimagines cakes, bakes and desserts using whole, natural ingredients that are available globally. Chef Philip Khoury has rebuilt baking recipes from scratch to produce a new way of baking - one that is plant-based, but focuses on using ingredients that are natural, and not ultra-processed. Full of classic bakes, from Apple Pie and Bakewell Tart, to Lamingtons and Sugar Cookies, there are sweet treats for any occasion. With an explanation of ingredients and how they are produced, A New Way to Bake arms readers with a new outlook and tools to bake a better future. -Classic bakes made plant-based -Easy recipes with no branded or territory-specific ingredients that are heavily processed (e.g. egg replacements), just natural ingredients -From a well-connected pastry chef at the top of his game, who is plant-based himself