Culture & Democracy
A selection of books exploring themes of democracy, activism and inclusion
Linked Books

- title
- Culture is Bad for You : Inequality in the Cultural and Creative Industries
- author
- Brook, Orian, O'Brien, Dave, Taylor, Mark

- title
- Smashing It : Working Class Artists on Life, Art and Making It Happen
- author
- Mahfouz, Sabrina

- title
- Poverty Safari : Understanding the Anger of Britain's Underclass
- author
- McGarvey, Darren

- title
- How Democracies Die : The International Bestseller: What History Reveals About Our Future
- author
- Levitsky, Steven, Ziblatt, Daniel

- title
- Fascism and Democracy
- author
- Orwell, George

- title
- Municipal Dreams : The Rise and Fall of Council Housing
- author
- Boughton, John

- title
- Common Ground : Democracy and Collectivity in an Age of Individualism
- author
- Gilbert, Jeremy

- title
- Not for Profit : Why Democracy Needs the Humanities - Updated Edition
- author
- Nussbaum, Martha C., Nussbaum, Martha C.

- title
- Zombie University
- author

- title
- What are Universities For?
- author
- Collini, Stefan

- title
- The Good University : What Universities Actually Do and Why It's Time for Radical Change
- author
- Connell, Raewyn

- title
- What Kind of Democracy Is This? : Politics in a Changing World
- author
- Flinders, Matthew

- title
- Is Democracy Failing? : A primer for the 21st century
- author
- Dasandi, Niheer, Taylor, Matthew

- title
- Earth Democracy : Justice, Sustainability and Peace
- author
- Shiva, Vandana

- title
- Designs on Democracy : Architecture and Design in Scotland Post Devolution
- author
- MacDonald, Stuart

- title
- Democracy May Not Exist But We'll Miss it When It's Gone
- author
- Taylor, Astra

- title
- Emergent Strategy : Shaping Change, Changing Worlds
- author
- brown, adrienne marie

- title
- What about Activism?
- author
- Madoff, Steven Henry, Christov-bakarg, Carolyn, Decter, Joshua, Wilson, Mick, Thompson, Nato

- title
- Derek Jarman: Protest!
- author
- Kissane, Sean, Rehmani-White, Karim

- title
- The Art of Protest : Culture and Activism from the Civil Rights Movement to the Present
- author
- Reed, T. V.

- title
- Teaching Resistance : Radicals, Revolutionaries, and Cultural Subversives in the Classroom
- author
- Mink, John

- title
- The Arts Dividend Revisited : Why Investment in Culture Pays
- author
- Henley, Darren

- title
- Getting By : Estates, Class and Culture in Austerity Britain
- author
- Mckenzie, Lisa (Middlesex University)

- title
- Authentocrats : Culture, Politics and the New Seriousness
- author
- Kennedy, Joe

- title
- Decolonising the Camera : Photography in Racial Time
- author
- Sealy, Mark