Feminist books for empowering the festive season
It's always the right time for some fantastic, intersectional feminist writing. Here are recent books to gift as pills of empowerment and inspiration!
Linked Books

- title
- Wander Women : Tales of Transgression in a Bordered World
- author
- Alexandra Blanchard & Alex Howlett

- title
- Against White Feminism
- author
- Zakaria, Rafia

- title
- The Purple Color of Kurdish Politics : Women Politicians Write from Prison
- author
- Kisanak, Gultan, Isik, Ruken, Ergun, Emek, Biehl, Janet

- title
- How to Stay Safe Online : A digital self-care toolkit for developing resilience and allyship
- author
- Akiwowo, Seyi

- title
- No Surrender
- author
- Scarlett & Sophie Rickard

- title
- No Choice : The Fall of Roe v. Wade and the Fight to Protect the Right to Abortion
- author
- Andrews, Becca

- title
- Fugitive Feminism
- author
- Emejulu, Akwugo, Bonhomme, Edna

- title
- Ejaculate Responsibly : A Whole New Way to Think about Abortion
- author
- Blair, Gabrielle Stanley

- title
- Socialist Feminism : A New Approach
- author
- Afary, Frieda

- title
- Whorephobia
- author
- Borden, Lizzie