Read Think Act Ep.6 with Joy White
Welcome to #ReadThinkAct, a brand new author interview series at Lighthouse. It's been brewing for a while, and golly are we excited to share it with you.
Read Think Act are short videos which make the connections between books and activism explicit. In each episode, we meet an author and have a conversation about what brought them to an issue, where their book takes us, and what we can do to turn words into action in our communities.
This is Ep 6 of Lighthouse's new author interview series which sees our bookseller Peach talk to Joy White, researcher and author of Terraformed: Young Black Lives in the Inner City. Joy and Peach discuss growing up in the East London area of Newham and Forest Gate at different times, gentrification, austerity, resistance and - through it all - grime music.
New episodes of Read Think Act will be announced in our newsletter, Twitter and Instagram, but you can also subscribe to our YouTube channel HERE.
Linked Books

- title
- Terraformed : Young Black Lives in the Inner City
- author
- White, Joy