Art, Music, Film +
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- title
- 1000 Years of Joys and Sorrows : Two lives, one nation and a century of art under tyranny in China
- author
- Weiwei, Ai

- title
- 100 Artists' Manifestos : From the Futurists to the Stuckists
- author
- Danchev, Alex, Danchev, Alex

- title
- 100 Weeks of Scotland
- author
- McCredie, Alan

- title
- 101 Movies to Watch Before You Die
- author
- Cavolo, Ricardo

- title
- 140 Artists' Ideas for Planet Earth
- author
- Obrist, Hans Ulrich, Stasinopoulos, Kostas

- title
- 140 Artists' Ideas for Planet Earth
- author
- Obrist, Hans Ulrich, Stasinopoulos, Kostas

- title
- 33 Revolutions Per Minute
- author
- Lynskey, Dorian

- title
- 365 Days of Feel-good Art : For Self-Care and Joy, Every Day of the Year
- author
- Scobie, Lorna

- title
- 40 Inspiring Icons: Music Legends : Meet 40 pop and rock stars
- author
- Guilleminot, Herve, Masi, Jerome

- title
- 50 Queer Music Icons Who Changed the World : A celebration of LGBTQ+ legends
- author
- Larnach-Jones, Will

- title
- 50 Years of Scottish Opera : A Celebration
- author
- Brooke, Ian, Brooke, Ian

- title
- A Big Important Artist: A Womanual : Creative Projects and Inspiring Artists to Kick-Start Your Imagination
- author
- Krysa, Danielle

- title
- A Book of Days
- author
- Smith, Ms Patti

- title
- A Bookshop of One’s Own : How a Group of Women Set out to Change the World
- author
- Cholmeley, Jane

- title
- About Face : Stonewall, Revolt, and New Queer Art
- author
- Katz, Jonathan D., Jones, Amelia, Chambers-Letson, Joshua, Woubshet, Dagmawi

- title
- About Looking
- author
- Berger, John

- title
- A Brief History of Protest Art
- author
- Emelife, Aindrea

- title
- Abstract Bodies : Sixties Sculpture in the Expanded Field of Gender
- author
- Getsy, David J.

- title
- Access All Areas : A Backstage Pass Through 50 Years of Music And Culture
- author
- Charone, Barbara

- title
- A Child of the Century
- author
- Hecht, Ben, Denby, David

- title
- A Chronology of Art : A Timeline of Western Culture from Prehistory to the Present
- author
- Zaczek, Iain

- title
- A Chronology of Photography : A Cultural Timeline from Camera Obscura to Instagram
- author
- Lowe, Paul

- title
- Adorno and Popular Music : A Constellation of Perspectives
- author
- Campbell, Colin J., Gandesha, Samir, Marino, Stefano

- title
- Aesthetic Theory
- author
- Adorno, Theodor W.

- title
- A Fabulous Creation : How the LP Saved Our Lives
- author
- Hepworth, David

- title
- A Few Collectors
- author
- Le-Tan, Pierre

- title
- Afterimages : On Cinema, Women and Changing Times
- author
- Mulvey, Laura

- title
- Against Erasure : A Photographic Memory of Palestine Before the Nakba
- author
- Aranguren, Teresa, Barrilaro, Sandra, El-Kurd, Mohammed

- title
- A Graphic Guide to Art Therapy
- author
- Huxtable, Amy E., Schmanke, Libby, Bordonaro, Gaelynn P. Wolf

- title
- A Haunt of Fears : The Strange History of the British Horror Comics Campaign
- author
- Martin Barker

- title
- A Hero for High Times : A Younger Reader's Guide to the Beats, Hippies, Freaks, Punks, Ravers, New-Age Travellers and Dog-on-a-Rope Brew Crew Crusties of the British Isles, 1956-1994
- author
- Marchant, Ian

- title
- A Hero for High Times : A Younger Reader's Guide to the Beats, Hippies, Freaks, Punks, Ravers, New-Age Travellers and Dog-on-a-Rope Brew Crew Crusties of the British Isles, 1956-1994
- author
- Marchant, Ian

- title
- A Humument : A Treated Victorian Novel
- author
- Phillips, Tom

- title
- AI and the Art Market
- author
- Lawson-Tancred, Jo

- title
- A is for Aretha
- author
- Kwan, Leslie

- title
- Albert & the Whale
- author
- Hoare, Philip

- title
- A Little Devil in America : In Praise of Black Performance
- author
- Abdurraqib, Hanif

- title
- A Little Feminist History of Art
- author
- Mullins, Charlotte

- title
- A Little History of Music
- author
- Philip, Robert

- title
- All Gates Open : The Story of Can
- author
- Young, Rob, Schmidt, Irmin