Philosophy, Religion & Spirituality
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- title
- Arab Masculinities : Anthropological Reconceptions in Precarious Times
- author
- Isidoros, Konstantina, Inhorn, Marcia C., Kartveit, Bard Helge, Furniss, Jamie, Ilahiane, Hsain, Ell

- title
- Archive Fever : A Freudian Impression
- author
- Derrida, Jacques, Prenowitz, Eric

- title
- Arguing for a Better World : How to talk about the issues that divide us
- author
- Arianne Shahvisi

- title
- Ariel Dorfman : An Aesthetics of Hope
- author
- McClennen, Sophia

- title
- Aristotle : Understanding the World's Greatest Philosopher
- author
- Sellars, John

- title
- Ashes and Stones : A Scottish Journey in Search of Witches and Witness
- author
- Shaw, Allyson

- title
- A Short History of Truth : Consolations for a Post-Truth World
- author
- Baggini, Julian

- title
- Asian Philosophical Texts : Exploring Hidden Sources
- author
- Morisato, Takeshi, Pasca, Roman

- title
- As If : Idealization and Ideals
- author
- Appiah, Kwame Anthony

- title
- Aspects of the New Right-Wing Extremism
- author
- Adorno, Theodor W., Hoban, Wieland

- title
- A spell in the wild
- author
- Alice Tarbuck

- title
- Assuming the Ecosexual Position : The Earth as Lover
- author
- Sprinkle, Annie, Stephens, Beth, Klein, Jennie, Chaudhuri, Una, Preciado, Paul B., Montano, Linda

- title
- Astrology: Aquarius
- author
- Ammonite

- title
- Astrology: Aries
- author
- Ammonite

- title
- Astrology: Cancer
- author
- Ammonite

- title
- Astrology: Capricorn
- author
- Ammonite

- title
- Astrology: Leo
- author
- Ammonite

- title
- Astrology: Libra
- author
- Ammonite

- title
- Astrology: Pisces
- author
- Ammonite

- title
- Astrology: Sagittarius
- author
- Ammonite

- title
- Astrology: Scorpio
- author
- Ammonite

- title
- Astrology: Taurus
- author
- Ammonite

- title
- Astrology. The Library of Esoterica
- author
- Richards, Andrea, Miller, Susan, Hundley, Jessica, Thunderwing

- title
- Astrology: Virgo
- author
- Ammonite

- title
- Astro Poets: Your Guides to the Zodiac
- author
- Lasky, Dorothea, Dimitrov, Alex

- title
- A Study on Authority : Set 3
- author
- Marcuse, Herbert

- title
- At Home In The World : Stories and Essential Teachings From A Monk's Life
- author
- Hanh, Thich Nhat

- title
- A Thousand Plateaus
- author
- Deleuze, Gilles, Guattari, Felix

- title
- A Treasury of Aisha : A Guidance from the Beloved of the Beloved
- author
- Rehman, Sofia

- title
- At The Existentialist Cafe : Freedom, Being, and Apricot Cocktails
- author
- Bakewell, Sarah

- title
- Authority and the Individual
- author
- Russell, Bertrand

- title
- Autotheory as Feminist Practice in Art, Writing, and Criticism
- author
- Fournier, Lauren

- title
- A Witch's Guide to Creating & Performing Rituals : That Actually Work
- author
- LeFae, Phoenix

- title
- A Woman Called Moses : A Prophet for Our Time
- author
- Attias, Jean-Christophe

- title
- Back to Black : Black Radicalism for the 21st Century
- author
- Andrews, Kehinde

- title
- Bad Reputation : Performances, Essays, Interviews
- author
- Arcade, Penny, Bernard, Ken, Kraus, Chris, Schulman, Sarah, Zehentner, Steve, Bottoms, Stephen (Univ

- title
- Basic Witches : How to Summon Success, Banish Drama, and Raise Hell with Your Coven
- author
- Saxena, Jaya, Zimmerman, Jess

- title
- Battling the Gods : Atheism in the Ancient World
- author
- Whitmarsh, Tim

- title
- Becoming Atheist : Humanism and the Secular West
- author
- Brown, Callum G.

- title
- Becoming Dangerous : Witchy Femmes, Queer Conjurers, and Magical Rebels
- author
- Sollee, Kristen J. (Kristen J. Sollee), West, Katie (Katie West), Elliott, Jasmine