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- title
- Search Party
- author
- Meier, Richard
- title
- Seasonal Disturbances
- author
- McCarthy Woolf, Karen
- title
- Secondary
- author
- Rosenberg, Tracey S.
- title
- Second Lives : Tales from Two Cities
- author
- Self, Will, Kay, Jackie, Morgan, Edwin, Glass, Rodge, Bernstein, Jane
- title
- Second Memory
- author
- Pirmohamed, Alycia
- title
- Seder
- author
- Kammerling, Adam
- title
- Seeds of Fire : Poetry from the Other USA
- author
- Anderson, Jon
- title
- Seeds & roots
- author
- duffy, ed. ella
- title
- Seeing Eye
- author
- Considine, Chris
- title
- Selected Poems
- author
- Harrison, Tony
- title
- Selected Poems
- author
- Riley, Denise
- title
- Selected Poems
- author
- Hughes, Langston
- title
- Selected Poems
- author
- William Blake
- title
- Selected Poems
- author
- Paterson, Don
- title
- Selected Poems
- author
- Hughes, Langston
- title
- Selected Poems
- author
- Rumi, Barks, Coleman
- title
- Selected Poems
- author
- John Glenday
- title
- Selected Poems
- author
- Jamie, Kathleen
- title
- Selected Poems
- author
- Greenlaw, Lavinia
- title
- Selected Poems : 2009-2021
- author
- Kaveney, Roz
- title
- Selected Poems: Hilda Doolittle
- author
- Doolittle, Hilda
- title
- Selected Poetical Works: Blake
- author
- Blake, William
- title
- Selected Poetry and Prose
- author
- Mew, Charlotte, Copus, Julia
- title
- Selected Writings: Arthur Symons
- author
- Symons, Arthur
- title
- Self Heal
- author
- Walton, Samantha
- title
- Self-Portrait as Othello
- author
- Allen-Paisant, Jason
- title
- Self-Portrait With Family
- author
- Amaan Hyder
- title
- Separated from the Sun
- author
- Comak, Ilhan
- title
- September Love
- author
- Leav, Lang
- title
- Sergius Seeks Bacchus
- author
- Erikson Pasaribu, Norman, Tsao, Tiffany
- title
- Serious Concerns
- author
- Cope, Wendy
- title
- Set Change
- author
- Andrukhovych, Yuri
- title
- Set Me On Fire : A Poem For Every Feeling
- author
- Risbridger, Ella
- title
- Shadow Reader
- author
- Dharker, Imtiaz
- title
- Shall We Go?
- author
- Austin, Annemarie
- title
- Sharks in the Rivers
- author
- Limon, Ada
- title
- She Grrrowls Anthology
- author
- Masoliver, Carmina
- title
- She is Fierce : Brave, Bold and Beautiful Poems by Women
- author
- Sampson, Ana
- title
- Shelling Peas with My Grandmother in the Gorgiolands
- author
- Wimbush, Sarah
- title
- She Must Be Mad
- author
- Cox, Charly