Edinburgh's Radical Bookshop
Festival EventThis event is a part of Edinburgh's Radical Book Fair: Our Fight 2022 series. Click to view more from this festival.

Owning the Future

Featured Speakers

Jeremy Gilbert, Mim Skinner, Mairi Oliver

This event is a part of Edinburgh's Radical Book Fair: Our Fight 2022 series. Click to view more from this festival.

Join our brilliant speakers as they untangle the ways in which the trappings of late capitalism have taken ownership of our lives and how we fight back.

What part of our lives do we own and which ones own us? How does ownership, and the power structures that make it possible fuel climate and environmental collapse as well as health inequality and white supremacy?

Our speakers include:

Jeremy Gilbert is Professor of Cultural & Political Theory at the University of East London. He is the author of Common Ground: Democracy and Collectivity in an Age of Individualism, Anticapitalism and Culture: Radical Theory and Popular Politics and Twenty-First Century Socialism. He writes regularly in the British press, is the current editor of the journal New Formations, and hosts three regular podcasts: #ACFM (on Novara Media); Love is the Message; Culture, Power, Politics.

Mim Skinner is a writer and author of Jail Birds/ The Prison Teacher and the newly released Living Together: Searching for Community in a Fractured World. She is also a women’s support worker, working in communities in the North East. She co-founded REFUSE, a social enterprise which, each week, redistributes over a tonne of food that would otherwise go to waste. She also runs the women’s project for Handcrafted, providing at-risk women with housing as well as mental health and addiction support through creativity.

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