Essays & Literary Criticism
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- title
- 12 Bytes : How artificial intelligence will change the way we live and love
- author
- Winterson, Jeanette

- title
- 300 Arguments
- author
- Manguso, Sarah

- title
- 52 Dates for Writers : Ride a Tandem, Assume an Alias & 50 Other Ways To Improve Your Novel Draft
- author
- Wingfield, Claire

- title
- A Barrel of Monkeys : A Compendium of Collective Nouns for Animals
- author
- Fanous, Samuel, Dent, Susie, Bewick, Thomas

- title
- A Companion to the Works of Elizabeth Strout
- author
- Montwieler, Katherine

- title
- A Conspiracy of Ravens : A Compendium of Collective Nouns for Birds
- author
- Oddie, Bill, Bewick, Thomas

- title
- A Darker Wilderness : Black Nature Writing from Soil to Stars
- author
- Sharkey, Erin

- title
- Affinities
- author
- Dillon, Brian

- title
- Against Amazon
- author
- Carrion, Jorge, Bush, Peter

- title
- Against Interpretation and Other Essays
- author
- Sontag, Susan

- title
- Against Racial Capitalism : Selected Writings
- author
- Alexander, Neville, Vally, Salim, Motala, Enver

- title
- A Ghost In The Throat
- author
- Ni Ghriofa, Doireann

- title
- A Girl's Story
- author
- Ernaux, Annie

- title
- Air Age Blueprint
- author
- Allado-McDowell, K

- title
- A Jar of Wild Flowers : Essays in Celebration of John Berger
- author
- Gunaratnam, Yasmin, Chandan, Amarjit, Mohr, Jean, Potter, Sally

- title
- Alan Hollinghurst : Writing Under the Influence
- author
- Mendelssohn, Michele, Flannery, Denis

- title
- A Last Supper of Queer Apostles: Selected Essays
- author
- Pedro Lemebel

- title
- A Left-Handed Woman : Essays
- author
- Thurman, Judith

- title
- A Letter to a Hindu
- author
- Tolstoy, Leo, Gandhi, Mahatma

- title
- A Letter to a Young Poet
- author
- Woolf, Virginia

- title
- Alien Daughters Walk Into the Sun : An Almanac of Extreme Girlhood
- author
- Wang, Jackie

- title
- A Life In Words
- author
- Auster, Paul, Siegumfeldt, I.B.

- title
- A Life of One's Own : Nine Women Writers Begin Again
- author
- Biggs, Joanna

- title
- Allegorizings
- author
- Morris, Jan

- title
- Allies
- author
- Pavlic, Ed, Shockley, Evie, Owuor, Yvonne Adhiambo, Osman, Ladan, Delany, Samuel, Due, Tananarive, T

- title
- author
- Ernaux, Annie, Leslie, Tanya

- title
- A Mind Spread Out On The Ground
- author
- Elliott, Alicia

- title
- A Moment on the Clock of the World : A Foundry Theatre Production
- author
- Joseph, Melanie, Bruin, David

- title
- A Month in Siena
- author
- Matar, Hisham

- title
- An Analysis of Edward Said's Orientalism
- author
- Quinn, Riley

- title
- An Apartment in Uranus
- author
- Preciado, Paul B., Despentes, Virginie, Mandell, Charlotte

- title
- And Our Faces, My Heart, Brief as Photos
- author
- Berger, John

- title
- and the girl called to the moon 'What is Love?'
- author
- Matt Hopwood

- title
- An Ecotopian Lexicon
- author
- Matthew Schneider-Mayerson

- title
- An Editor's Burial : Journals and Journalism from the New Yorker and Other Magazines
- author
- Various, authors, Various

- title
- Anglo-English Attitudes
- author
- Dyer, Geoff

- title
- Animal Joy : A Book of Laughter and Resuscitation
- author
- Alsadir, Nuar

- title
- A People's Guide To Publishing
- author
- Biel, Joe

- title
- Apocalyptic Fiction
- author
- Tate, Andrew (Lancaster University, UK)

- title
- Appendix Project : Talks and Essays
- author
- Zambreno, Kate