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- title
- The Significance of a Dress
- author
- Lee, Emma
- title
- The Silence that Remains : Selected Poems 1982-2003
- author
- Ghassan, Zaqtan
- title
- The Silk Dragon II : Translations of Chinese Poetry
- author
- Sze, Arthur
- title
- The Single Hound
- author
- Dickinson, Emily
- title
- The Slain Birds
- author
- Longley, Michael
- title
- The Sofa is Full of Greyhound : Poems on Love
- author
- Martindale, Lindsay
- title
- The Somnambulist Cookbook
- author
- McDonnell, Andrew
- title
- The Song of Lunch
- author
- Reid, Christopher
- title
- The Sounds of Love : Fuaimean Graidh
- author
- O'Gallagher, Niall
- title
- The Soup of My Ancestors
- author
- Rosenberg, Tracey S.
- title
- The Specbook 2024 1/2
- author
- Various
- title
- The Stack of Owls is Getting Higher
- author
- Watson, Dawn
- title
- The Stasi Poetry Circle : The Creative Writing Class that Tried to Win the Cold War
- author
- Oltermann, Philip
- title
- The Stone Age
- author
- Hadfield, Jen
- title
- The Streets of Algiers
- author
- Greki, Anna
- title
- The Summer Of Dead Birds
- author
- Liebegott, Ali
- title
- The Sun and Her Flowers
- author
- Kaur, Rupi
- title
- The Sun isn't Out Long Enough
- author
- Ed. Tatevik Sargsyan
- title
- The Sun is Open *SIGNED*
- author
- McConnell, Gail
- title
- the swailing
- author
- Errington, Patrick James
- title
- The Sweetness of Demons
- author
- Anne Pia
- title
- The Tattoo Collector
- author
- Tim Tim Cheng
- title
- The Tattooist's Chair
- author
- Riordan, Karl
- title
- The Terrible
- author
- Daley-Ward, Yrsa
- title
- The Testament and Other Poems: New Translation
- author
- Villon, Francois, Mortimer, Anthony
- title
- The The Sun and Her Flowers
- author
- Kaur, Rupi
- title
- The Thirteenth Angel
- author
- Gross, Philip
- title
- The Thoughts
- author
- Barnsley, Sarah
- title
- The Tidal Wife
- author
- Benyon, Kaddy
- title
- The Toll
- author
- Wright, Luke
- title
- The Tower
- author
- Legault, Paul
- title
- The Tower : 1928
- author
- Yeats, W.B.
- title
- The Tradition
- author
- Brown, Jericho
- title
- The Translations of Seamus Heaney
- author
- Heaney, Seamus, Sonzogni, Dr Marco
- title
- The Translator of Desires : Poems
- author
- Sells, Michael, Ibn 'Arabi, Muhyiddin
- title
- The Trees The Trees
- author
- Christle, Heather
- title
- The Trilogy of Surfaces and Invisiblities
- author
- Gomringer, Nora
- title
- The Truth About Magic
- author
- Poetry, Atticus
- title
- The Underlook
- author
- Seymour, Helen
- title
- The Undressing : Poems
- author
- Lee, Li-Young