We are proud to be queer 365 days of the year - we are queer run and owned, and we’re committed to LGBTQIA+ representation across all sections of the shop, from poetry to politics, memoirs to picture books.
We do have a large LGBTQ section bringing together books across genres and housing them alongside LGBTQ+ history and queer theory.
Proudly inclusive & intersectional, it is vibrant and global and it includes theory, biography, politics, testimony, essay and more. The authors in the section are as varied as Audre Lorde, Juno Roche, Alison Phipps, Mia Violet, Joseph Cassara, Rita Indiana, Carmen Maria Machado, Penny Pepper, Colm Toibin, Jack Halberstam, Alan Hollinghurst, Jeanette Winterson, and Virginia Woolf.
Fetching Tags

- title
- 100 Boyfriends
- author
- Purnell, Brontez

- title
- author
- Ed Marie Jean Chan and Andrew McMillan

- title
- 10 Things That Never Happened
- author
- Hall, Alexis

- title
- 7th Time Lucky : A Gay Man's Determination to Become a Parent
- author
- Rigby, Dave

- title
- A Bookshop of One’s Own : How a Group of Women Set out to Change the World
- author
- Cholmeley, Jane

- title
- About Ed
- author
- Gluck, Robert

- title
- About Face : Stonewall, Revolt, and New Queer Art
- author
- Katz, Jonathan D., Jones, Amelia, Chambers-Letson, Joshua, Woubshet, Dagmawi

- title
- A Boy's Own Story
- author
- White, Edmund

- title
- Ace of Spades
- author
- Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé

- title
- Ace Voices : What it Means to Be Asexual, Aromantic, Demi or Grey-Ace
- author
- Eris Young

- title
- Ace : What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex
- author
- Chen, Angela

- title
- A Choreographer's Cartography
- author
- Mundair, Raman

- title
- A Closed and Common Orbit : Wayfarers 2
- author
- Chambers, Becky

- title
- A Comprehensive Guide to Intersex
- author
- Petersen, Jay Kyle, Laukaitis, Christina M.

- title
- Across a Field of Starlight : (A Graphic Novel)
- author
- Delliquanti, Blue

- title
- A Curious Friendship : The Story of a Bluestocking and a Bright Young Thing
- author
- Thomasson, Anna

- title
- A Curious Visit
- author
- Jess Lea

- title
- A Curious Woman: Murder Under the Gum Trees
- author
- Jess Lea

- title
- A Door Behind a Door
- author
- Yelena Moskovich

- title
- A Drag Queen's Guide to Life
- author
- Bon Boulash, Bimini, Scheele, Jules

- title
- A Dutiful Boy
- author
- Zaidi, Mohsin

- title
- Aeropolis - Queering Air in Toxicpolluted Worlds
- author
- Calvillo, Nerea

- title
- Afterglow : A Dog Memoir
- author
- Myles, Eileen

- title
- Afterlove
- author
- Byrne, Tanya

- title
- After Queer Studies : Literature, Theory and Sexuality in the 21st Century
- author
- Bradway, Tyler, McCallum, E. L. (Michigan State University)

- title
- After the Party : A Manifesto for Queer of Color Life
- author
- Chambers-Letson, Joshua

- title
- Against Equality : Queer Revolution, Not Mere Inclusion
- author
- Conrad, Ryan

- title
- Against Memoir
- author
- Tea, Michelle

- title
- Against The Law
- author
- Wildeblood, Peter

- title
- A Generous Spirit : Selected Works by Beth Brant
- author
- Gould, Janice

- title
- A Green Equinox
- author
- Mavor, Elizabeth

- title
- A History of Women in Men's Clothes : From Cross-Dressing to Empowerment
- author
- Norena Shopland

- title
- A Language of Limbs
- author
- Hardcastle, Dylin

- title
- A Last Supper of Queer Apostles: Selected Essays
- author
- Pedro Lemebel

- title
- A Lesbian History of Britain : Love and Sex Between Women Since 1500
- author
- Jennings, Rebecca

- title
- Alice Austen Lived Here
- author
- Gino, Alex

- title
- A Life In Trans Activism
- author
- Revathi, A., Murali, Nandini, Murali, Nandini

- title
- A Little Gay History of Wales
- author
- Leeworthy, Daryl

- title
- All About Sarah
- author
- Delabroy-Allard, Pauline, Hunter, Adriana

- title
- All Boys Aren't Blue
- author
- Johnson, George M.