Edinburgh's Radical Bookshop

No Human Is Illegal


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NO HUMAN IS ILLEGAL! People who are recognised as fulfilling the extremely stringent requirements of the refugee process are by definition victims of trauma and persecution.

Making human lives unstable for years & denying them support is cruel, unnecessary & counter-productive.

Priti Patel's latest asylum plans will push more people into dangerous journeys. Many fleeing persecution will be totally left out of resettlement routes.

Our government cannot be allowed to tear up refugee law & turn its back on vulnerable people. It cannot be allowed to continue to grow, feed and fund the hostile environment.

Pls follow, support & amplify the work of The Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, Women for Refugee Women, Refuweegee, Chooselove Re-Act Scotland and Saheliya Scotland.

Stand with undocumented migrants.

Whether that looks like this:

protestors stop an immigration van

Scenes from Glasgow's Pollokshields on 13th May, as a human blockade on a dawn raid immigration detention van halted the state kidnap of two men from the local community.

You can find out more about anti-raids organising at the Edinburgh Anarchist Feminist Book Fair event on

anti-raids white van crossed out and purple colouring of EIBF

or like a letter to your MP to make clear you will not stand for such measures. The Joint Coucil for the Welfare of Immigrants has this template.

or signing a petition/boosting a campaign - like these ones, by Detention Action to end indefinite detention and Scottish Refugee Council to end immigration detention.

or a donation to the groups above, or to a direct action group like no_evictions network , who are raising money for essential top up phones for migrants HERE.

or getting involved with/supporrting groups like These Walls Must Fall in England,

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