Philosophy, Religion & Spirituality
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- title
- Abolition Revolution
- author
- Day, Aviah Sarah, McBean, Shanice Octavia

- title
- About Looking
- author
- Berger, John

- title
- #Accelerate : The Accelerationist Reader
- author
- Mackay, Robin (Urbanomic Media Ltd), Avanessian, Armen, Mackay, Robin (Urbanomic Media Ltd), Avaness

- title
- A Certain Amount of Madness : The Life, Politics and Legacies of Thomas Sankara
- author
- Murrey, Amber

- title
- A Companion to Marx's Grundrisse
- author
- Harvey, David

- title
- A Continental Guide to Philosophy
- author
- Douglas Macready, John

- title
- Across the Great Divide : Between Analytic and Continental Political Theory
- author
- Arnold, Jeremy

- title
- A Culture of Ambiguity : An Alternative History of Islam
- author
- Bauer, Thomas, Biesterfeldt, Hinrich, Tunstall, Tricia

- title
- Adam Smith : What He Thought, and Why it Matters
- author
- Norman, Jesse

- title
- A Dictionary of Omens and Superstitions
- author
- Waring, Philippa

- title
- Adorno, Foucault and the Critique of the West
- author
- Cook, Deborah

- title
- Advice On Dying : And living well by taming the mind
- author
- Dalai Lama

- title
- Aesthetics and Politics
- author
- Adorno, Theodor W., Benjamin, Walter, Bloch, Ernst, Brecht, Bertolt, Lukacs, Georg

- title
- Aesthetic Theory
- author
- Adorno, Theodor W.

- title
- A Fire Runs through All Things : Zen Koans for Facing the Climate Crisis
- author
- Murphy, Susan

- title
- African American Herbalism : A Practical Guide to Healing Plants and Folk Traditions
- author
- VanDyke, Lucretia

- title
- African American Philosophers and Philosophy : An Introduction to the History, Concepts and Contemporary Issues
- author
- Ferguson II, Stephen, McClendon III, John

- title
- African American Political Thought : A Collected History
- author
- Rogers, Melvin L., Turner, Jack

- title
- African Goddess Initiation : Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity, and Joy
- author
- Abiola Abrams

- title
- African Myths of Origin
- author
- NA

- title
- African Political Thought : An Intellectual History of the Quest for Freedom
- author
- Chan, Stephen

- title
- Afropessimism
- author
- Wilderson, Frank B.

- title
- After God
- author
- Sloterdijk, Peter, Moore, Ian Alexander

- title
- Against Decolonisation : Taking African Agency Seriously
- author
- Taiwo, Olufemi

- title
- Against Nature
- author
- Daston, Lorraine

- title
- Against Purity : Rethinking Identity with Indian and Western Feminisms
- author
- Irene Gedalof

- title
- Age of Anxiety
- author
- Tsoucalas, Constantine, Stavrakas, Alex

- title
- A History of Ideas : The most intriguing, relevant and helpful concepts from the story of humanity
- author
- The School of Life

- title
- Air Age Blueprint
- author
- Allado-McDowell, K

- title
- A Jihad for Love
- author
- El Bachiri, Mohamed, Van Reybrouck, David

- title
- A Little Bit of Wicca : An Introduction to Witchcraft
- author
- Eason, Cassandra

- title
- All the Rage : Why Anger Drives the World
- author
- Cohen, Josh

- title
- Almost Everything : Notes on Hope
- author
- Lamott, Anne

- title
- Alone : Reflections on Solitary Living
- author
- Schreiber, Daniel

- title
- A Lover's Discourse : Fragments
- author
- Barthes, Roland

- title
- Always More Than One : Individuation's Dance
- author
- Manning, Erin

- title
- An ABC of Witchcraft Past and Present
- author
- Valiente, Doreen

- title
- An Analysis of Donna Haraway's A Cyborg Manifesto : Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century
- author
- Pohl, Rebecca

- title
- An Analysis of Edward Said's Orientalism
- author
- Quinn, Riley

- title
- An Anthology
- author
- Simone Weil