From the Archives: Taking a Beat for Care
At Lighthouse we livestream and record nearly all our events, one of the reasons being that we want the wisdom shared and questions asked to move beyond one moment and one room, to bring enjoyment and learning to folks where they are and where they are able to access it.
Welcome to the Lighthouse archive, a semi-regular blog series exploring past events, lists, articles and resources, using something that’s currently on our minds as a starting point - bringing beloved books and authors back into the spotlight - and shouting about GOOD things happening around us.
This time of year can naturally feel long for a lot of folks - there’s an expectation of renewed energy with a fresh year, but it takes time for spring to come and THIS year in particular has begun with much heartbreak. For this tour through the archives, we want to take a beat to share some of the conversations and resources on mental health and care that we have scattered around the website.
Look after yourself - you are needed past today - and enjoy any bit of this that takes your fancy:
We Deserve Joy: radical approaches to care and wellbeing - a panel from the 2021 Radical Book Fair on the theme of Futures Worth Fighting For, featuring the tremendous Callie Rose Petal and Lisa Fannen.
Bodies Of Work - in this virtual event writers Melissa Febos and Alice Hattrick explored the power of personal narrative through the challenges of illness and societal stigmas.
The Colour of Madness: Mental health in technicolour - our 2022 garden launch of the new edition of this phenomenal anthology, amplifying the voices of people of colour and experiences of mental health.
Care, Community & Resilience - In this 2022 Book Fringe event Rianna Walcott, Gemma Cairney and Roxani Krystalli investigate how we can put care and wellbeing at the centre of everything.
What Now? A Marbles Magazine Celebration - we had the pleasure of hosting Marbles magazine back in the spring of 2023 to explore mental health and the imagination.
Who Cares? - Emily Kenway’s essential book on the hidden crisis of caregiving was launched in early 2023 and you can watch the discussion here.
A World to Live For: on feeling a global crisis - during our 2023 Revolutionary Feeling-themed Radical Book Fair we hosted this expansive panel on mental health and global crisis with Nadia Karim and Jessica Gaitan Johannesson.
Arriving at the present, here are a few workshops, meet-ups and online resources to to support, comfort and inspire in the next wee while:
The Glasgow Zine Library has an online series about neurodivergent time and exploring rest and creativity.
The community wellbeing collective has yoga for people in addiction recovery on Wednesday 27th March 1-2:30pm
LGBT Health and Wellbeing has Queer by Nature every Monday where people come together to spend time in nature.
Migrants Organise has an online gallery (in person in london) with creative, horticulture and writing responses to the theme of 'hope'.
Shrub Co-op has hatha yoga on a Wednesday and joyful writing on Thursdays
Linked Books

- title
- Warp and Weft : Psycho-Emotional Health, Politics and Experiences
- author
- Fannen, Lisa

- title
- Ill Feelings
- author
- Hattrick, Alice

- title
- Body Work : The Radical Power of Personal Narrative
- author
- Melissa Febos

- title
- The Colour of Madness: Mental Health and Race in Technicolour
- author
- Rianna Walcott & Dr Samara Linton

- title
- Who Cares : The Hidden Crisis of Caregiving, and How We Solve It
- author
- Emily Kenway

- title
- The Nerves and Their Endings
- author
- Jessica Gaitan Johannesson