Edinburgh's Radical Bookshop

Butch ado about nothing: A reading list


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Inspired by a recent request for queer butch rep (tragically thin on the ground) and Grace Petrie's (spectacular and affirming) Butch Ado About Nothing stand up show, and the release of June Thomas' splendid and inclusive A Place of Our Own , here's a wee pride month celebration of some butch, masc, dyke delights of the queer lit scene! If you have others to recommend PLEASE send them our way!

Looking for a bookclub that celebrates all things butch? Wanna talk books with fellow dykes or delve into the best sapphic stories? Check out the wonderful Wuthering Dykes Book Club! Their next bookclub meets in August 5th to discuss K Patrick's Mrs S (and you can use the code DYKE-COOL-BOOKCLUB to get 10% off their bookclub books, including this one :)

wuthering dykes

We've also got these books listed on libro.fm where the audiobook was available, check out that list here!

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