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Posts / NewsWoven: Interiors, Craft, and WellbeingThe Edinburgh Tool Library turns 10!A Nightmare on Elm Street + A Queer Horror Q&AThese books are weapons of empathy - So says Robin InceRead Think Act Ep. 20: On storytelling and empowerment with The MothFigures of Speech: Music EditionTracey Thorn Recommends: Feminist Memoir/Music WritingWhat We've Been Reading: January 2022Fill your socks with these wee wondersLIGHTHOUSE FAVOURITES 2021: RachelLighthouse favourites 2021: AndrewRead Think Act Ep.6 with Joy WhiteWatch, Read, Think, Act: Living ProofBooks about Film: a teaserFRINGE OF COLOUR FILMS: A READING LIST #2Fringe of Colour Films: a Reading ListCrafts, care & queer communityCulture & DemocracySamantha Clark on the things we cannot knowUnderstanding Art (For Everyone!)Feminist Art & TheoryVideo Games: Theory, Art & CultureBooks About Queer Art