Community and Care at the Radical Book Fair 2021
And those spaces - where we feed one another, where we care for one another, where we hold one another, where we look after one another, where we shelter one another - have to include everyone that capitalism has destroyed/abandoned - Nish Doshi
Activism without care is easily eroded, becoming performative and falling for the same individualism we're trying to resist. Care must lie at the heart of all sustainable movements.
Every one of the books at this year's Radical Book Fair have their own bold vision for community.
Our opening night includes speakers Eve Livingstone, whose book Make Bosses Pay is a rallying cry for the solidarity of unions, and Hassan Akkad, whose life story in Hope Not Fear charts a struggle for belonging and home.
On Fri 12th at 1pm, Henry James Garrett brings us This Book Will Make You Kinder, and at 7.30 the same evening we'll also hear about how women came to reshape and redefine hip hop with Arusa Qureshi as part of Inklings.
Saturday we discuss a world beyond borders & dismantling the hostile environment, with the essential Asylum for Sale & Boder Nation as featured books. We then welcome three activists for a discussion that centers intersectionality and inclusivity in movement building.
Sunday brings three events that really hone in on the importance of care, reframing it and helping us see it anew.
We start at 11 am with We Deserve Joy, featuring the groundbreaking 'Warp & Weft'.
At 2pm it's time to take down mainstream views of police and legal systems and replace with real safety in our 'Abolition as Liberation' event, with help of campaigners from CAPE and Cradle Collective, and featuring contributors to Abolishing the Police and Brick by Brick.
Lastly, we go in search of Feminist Futures and the kind of communities they might bring.
Here you can browse all these books, and many others likely to meet you on the tables at this year's Radical Book Fair.
Linked Books
- title
- Brick by Brick
- author
- Cradle Community
- title
- Warp and Weft : Psycho-Emotional Health, Politics and Experiences
- author
- Fannen, Lisa
- title
- Border Nation: A Story of Migration
- author
- Cowan, Leah
- title
- Abolishing the Police : (An Illustrated Introduction)
- author
- Duff, Koshka, Sims, Cat, Aitchison, Guy, Amis, Phe, Brazzell, Melanie, Bruce-Jones, Eddie, Chowdhury
- title
- Asylum For Sale
- author
- Ed. Siobhán McGuirk & Adrienne Pine
- title
- This Book Will Make You Kinder : An Empathy Handbook
- author
- Henry James Garrett
- title
- Flip The Script : How Women Came to Rule Hip Hop
- author
- Arusa Qureshi
- title
- Make Bosses Pay
- author
- Eve Livingston
- title
- Abolition Democracy - Open Media Series : Beyond Empire, Prisons, and Torture
- author
- Davis, Angela Y
- title
- Undrowned : Black Feminist Lessons from Marine Mammals Emergent Strategy Series
- author
- Gumbs, Alexis Pauline
- title
- The Hologram : Feminist, Peer-to-Peer Health for a Post-Pandemic Future
- author
- Thornton, Cassie
- title
- How We Show Up : Reclaiming Family, Friendship, and Community
- author
- Mia Birdsong
- title
- My Body Keeps Your Secrets : Dispatches on Shame and Reclamation
- author
- Osborne-Crowley, Lucia
- title
- We Do This 'Til We Free Us : Abolitionist Organizing and Transforming Justice
- author
- Kaba, Mariame, Nopper, Tamara K., Murakawa, Naomi
- title
- Be My Guest : Reflections on Food, Community and the Meaning of Generosity
- author
- Basil, Priya
- title
- Teaching Community : A Pedagogy of Hope
- author
- Hooks, Bell
- title
- The Care Manifesto : The Politics of Compassion
- author
- The Care Collective, Andreas, Chatzidakis, Hakim, Litter, Rottenberg, Segal
- title
- Stranger Care : A Memoir of Loving What Isn't Ours
- author
- Sarah Sentilles
- title
- Care Work : Dreaming Disability Justice
- author
- Piepzna-Samarasinha, Leah Lakshmi
- title
- Mutual Aid : Building Solidarity During This Crisis (and the next)
- author
- Spade, Dean
- title
- Counting On Community
- author
- Nagara, Innosanto
- title
- Together
- author
- Damluji, Mona, Nagara, Innosanto